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Health Advantage Credit Union Go to main content

How do I updated my Personal Information?

You can update your e-mail address, telephone numbers, and street address associated with your Health Advantage Credit union accounts within online and mobile banking using the Profile Settings feature.

  1. Click More in the top navigation. Then Select Profile Settings
    • If you are using the mobile app, simply click on your profile picture or icon. Then select Edit.
  2. Update the appropriate fields
    • You can update your email address, home phone, work phone, cell phone number, and address. 
  3. Click Save Changes
    • A verfication code pop-up box will display
  4. Select if you want the verification code sent to your email or cell phone, then click Get Code. 
  5. Check your cell phone or email for the verification code and enter it into the field displayed.  Then click, Update Profile.
    • The verification code will expire one hour from the time that it is sent. If you do not receive the verification code via e-mail, please check your Spam folder. If your verification code expires, you will need to have a new code resent.
    • Once you successfully enter the verification code in the appropriate field and click on Update Profile. Your profile information should now be updated.



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