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The Health Advantage Cares Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation helping build a better future through strategic charitable giving and community partnerships. At Health Advantage, we're committed to not only serving the healthcare industry but also making a positive impact in the communities and neighborhoods our members call home. That's why we established the Health Advantage Cares Foundation – to extend our reach and support.

Purpose: Our foundation is committed to uplifting and empowering our local community. Through strategic partnerships, impactful initiatives, and dedicated volunteer efforts, we aim to address the diverse needs of individuals and organizations to foster positive social experiences within our communities.

Mission: Our mission is to empower and uplift our community by way of educational opportunities, social and financial resources, and volunteer work. We are committed to providing educational opportunities through scholarships, with a particular focus but not limited to, potential healthcare and social welfare employees and to encourage positive community interactions through volunteering and sponsoring of community events. Our foundation is dedicated to providing resources, support and opportunities to organizations and individuals in need.

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