When you finance your new or used auto loan you can count on lower, flexible payments that don’t put your pocketbook in overdrive!
Drive Away with 1% Cash Back* for a LIMITED TIME!
Reward yourself, when you finance your auto loan or an auto loan refinanced from another institution, and receive 1% Cash Back!
*1% Cash Back offer, up to $500, valid on auto, boat, RV, motorcycle or sport vehicle loans. 1% cash back is based on the loan amount. Loan financed must be a minimum of $5,000, purchase or refinance. Loan must be funded during the promotional period. All loans subject to credit approval. Other restrictions may apply. Existing Health Advantage FCU loans and third-party loans financed on behalf of Health Advantage FCU, including dealer financed loans, are not eligible for cash back offer.
Flexible, affordable payment options
- Low Rates
- Low cost life & disability insurance
- No prepayment penalty
- Fast, friendly service
- Auto Loan Calculator
- Blue Book Prices
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